How To Use The Object Replacer Feature With The AI Image Editor

In this article, you'll learn how to seamlessly make use of the Object Replacer Feature with the ClickDesigns AI Image Editor.


After you've logged into your ClickDesigns account and are on your dashboard, you'll need to launch the ClickDesigns Editor. You can do this by either choosing a done-for-you template or starting from scratch. To make things easier, let's start working with a ready-made template. Simply hover over any you'd like to work with and click on the "Edit" icon.


Once you've launched the ClickDesigns Editor, upload an image to your canvas. On the "Image" tab, you have the option to either "Upload" an Image, choose from the Image "Library," "Search" for an image, or select from the "Cut Outs."


Once you've chosen an image to upload to your canvas, under its "Image Settings," choose the "AI Image Editor" button.


From here, you'll be able to view all the different features the AI Image Editor has to offer. From here, click on "Object Replacer."

Then, use the brush tool to select the object you wish to replace. When finished, click on "Replace Object(s)" and write down a prompt you would like to replace the object with.

This is going to effectively replace the selected object from your image. Once you are satisfied, with the results, choose one to your liking and click "Done."

Feel free to edit your new image to your liking on your canvas.


Once you are finished with your edits, don't forget to click on the "Save & Exit" button above.

And Voila! That's how easy it is to seamlessly utilize the Object Replacer feature from the ClickDesigns AI Image Editor.

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