How Do I Add Agency Team Members?

In this article, you will learn how to add new team members to your Agency.

Step 1.

First, log in to your ClickDesigns account to get to your Dashboard.

Step 2.

On the upper-right portion where you see your name, look for the dropdown arrow.

Step 3.

Click the dropdown arrow to get to the menu.

Step 4.

From the dropdown menu, click Agency.

Step 5.

Now, you're in the Agency section of your account.

Step 6.

Click the Team Members tab.

Step 7.

Once you're in the Team Members tab, click the Add New + button at the right portion of the page.

Step 8.

After clicking the Add New + button, you will now see the Add New Member pop-up where you can add your new member's information, and permissions.

Step 9.

Enter the following information:

  1. Enter Full Name
  2. Enter the Email Address: This is where the invite will be sent to & this will be the email used to log in.
  3. Enter Password: You may enter a default or simple password, and the new member can opt to change it from their profile, once logged in.

After entering their information, choose which permissions you're allowing the new team member to have. Simply tick or untick the box.

Step 10.

Once all the fields have the information needed, and permissions have been chosen, click Update.

Step 11.

After clicking Update, you should now see your new team member added to your Agency.

Note: This is how the Add New + invite would look on your new member's end.

Additional Tips:

  • You can change your team member's status from Active to Inactive by clicking the slider under Status.

  • You can change your team member's information & permissions by clicking the Edit button under Actions.

And that is how you can easily add team members to your Agency for ease in collaborating & sharing of designs.

Click the video below at 4:29, and watch to learn more!

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